In recent years, China's cold chain logistics market has developed rapidly under the strong drive of the growth of food and pharmaceutical cold chains demand, as well as the strong support of government policies. Cold chain distributiIon plays a crucial role in optimal cold chain logistics. The study focuses on company B as the research subject and aims to reduce distribution costs. Considering factors of customer timeliness requirements and vehicle types, combined with the issue of service priority, a S-TS algorithm is adopted to establish a cold chain distribution path optimal model that is in line with the actual situation of company B. Then, the optimal solution of total distribution costs is obtained through Matlab software simulation, and the optimal plan of company B's is generated, which provides a new idea and method to reduce costs and increase efficiency.
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APA Style
Fu, X., Hong, H., & Chen, J. (2024). The Optimization of Cold Chain Logistics Delivery Routes for Company B Based onService Priority. IECE Transactions on Social Statistics andComputing, 1(1), 26–31. https://doi.org/10.62762/TSSC.2024.805209
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