This paper aims to design a rehabilitation medical product system tailored to the needs of future intelligent elderly care environments, with the goal of enhancing the efficiency of rehabilitation training for older adults. Through an in-depth analysis of the anticipated medical needs in elderly care apartments, we propose a comprehensive design concept for a rehabilitation medical product system. The design is approached from three key perspectives: products, services, and systems, ensuring that it aligns with the healthcare requirements specific to elderly care settings. The proposed solutions focus on optimizing rehabilitation training by integrating intelligent technologies and user-centered design principles. This study presents practical and feasible strategies that address the unique rehabilitation challenges faced by the elderly, providing a foundation for improving the quality of care and support in intelligent elderly care apartments.
Smart pension
Intelligent rehabilitation equipment
Rehabilitation robot
Elderly apartment emergency system
Rehabilitation medical product system design
This work was supported without any funding.
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APA Style
Yang, Q., Pan, X., Guo, Y., & Qu, H. (2024). Design of Rehabilitation Medical Product System For Elderly Apartment Based on Intelligent Endowment. IECE Transactions on Internet of Things, 2(2), 44–49. https://doi.org/10.62762/TIOT.2024.256200
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