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Volume 1, Issue 2, IECE Transactions on Intelligent Systematics
Volume 1, Issue 2, 2024
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Quanmin Zhu
Quanmin Zhu
University of the West of England, United Kingdom
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IECE Transactions on Intelligent Systematics, 2024, Volume 1, Issue 2: 102-111

Free to Read | Research Article | 29 September 2024
Investigation on the Mechanism of Nebulized Droplet Particle Size Impact in Precision Plant Protection
1 Valve Intelligent Equipment Engineering Research Center, Department of mechanical and electrical engineering, HeBei Vocational University of Technology and Engineering, Xingtai 054035, China
2 Department of Electrical Engineering, HeBei Vocational University of Technology and Engineering, Xingtai 054035, China
* Corresponding Author: Wenyan Chu, [email protected]
Received: 09 September 2024, Accepted: 26 September 2024, Published: 29 September 2024  
Precision plant protection, a crucial facet of precision agriculture, assumes a paramount role throughout diverse stages of agricultural pesticide utilization. It not only furnishes indispensable reference parameters for agricultural production but also minimizes the employment of pesticides and their environmental footprint. This investigation employs a laser particle size analyzer to gauge the particle size information of the atomization field under assorted conditions, commencing with ground plant protection. The findings reveal that particle size escalates with the ascent of spray pressure and spray angle while diminishing with their augmentation. It proposes that pressure adjustments can optimize atomization outcomes when the deposited atomized droplet size is suboptimal. This study provides a data foundation for pesticide atomization in ground plant protection procedures and presents corrective actions for inadequate sedimentation effects, thereby mitigating the environmental harm associated with agricultural endeavors.

Graphical Abstract
Investigation on the Mechanism of Nebulized Droplet Particle Size Impact in Precision Plant Protection

Atomization parameters
Atomization parameters
particle size
precision plant protection

This research was supported by Science and Technology Innovation Talent Program (Grant No. 2022zz096).

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APA Style
Ma, H., Tang, J., Lv, H., Chu, W., & Sun, S. (2024). Investigation on the Mechanism of Nebulized Droplet Particle Size Impact in Precision Plant Protection. IECE Transactions on Intelligent Systematics, 1(2), 102-111. https://doi.org/10.62762/TIS.2024.307219

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