The rapid advancement of Internet technology, driven by social media and e-commerce platforms, has facilitated the generation and sharing of multimodal data, leading to increased interest in efficient cross-modal retrieval systems. Cross-modal image-text retrieval, encompassing tasks such as image query text (IqT) retrieval and text query image (TqI) retrieval, plays a crucial role in semantic searches across modalities. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of cross-modal image-text retrieval, addressing the limitations of previous studies that focused on single perspectives such as subspace learning or deep learning models. We categorize existing models into single-tower, dual-tower, real-value representation, and binary representation models based on their structure and feature representation. Additionally, we explore the impact of multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) on cross-modal retrieval. Our study also provides a detailed overview of common datasets, evaluation metrics, and performance comparisons of representative methods. Finally, we identify current challenges and propose future research directions to advance the field of cross-modal image-text retrieval.
The work is partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. U22A2025, 62072088, 62232007, U23A20309, 61991404), Liaoning Provincial Science and Technology Plan Project - Key R&D Department of Science and Technology (No.2023JH2/101300182), and 111 Project (No. B16009).
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APA Style
Li, T., Kong, L., Yang, X., Wang, B., & Xu, J. (2024). Bridging Modalities: A Survey of Cross-Modal Image-Text Retrieval. Chinese Journal of Information Fusion, 1(1), 79–92. https://doi.org/10.62762/CJIF.2024.361895
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