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IECE Transactions on Social Statistics and Computing, 2024, Volume 1, Issue 2: 53-60

Free Access | Research Article | 5 May 2024
1 Software Engineering Institute of Guangzhou, Guangzhou 510990, China
* Corresponding author: Ru Zhao, email: zr152588@qq.com
Received: 12 April 2024, Accepted: 27 April 2024, Published: 5 May 2024  

With the rapid development of the economy, the gradual formation of the logistics Internet and the advent of the era of science and technology have promoted the rapid rise of the logistics industry in the development of enterprises across the country. This paper studies the development and application of warehousing under the smart logistics system by taking Guangzhou Porcelain Cosmetics Co., Ltd. as an example through the AHP method The results show that the company chooses warehouse B as the best. Finally, this paper aims at the problems existing in the warehousing system and improves them Targeted advice on warehouse storage capacity, rent reduction, and proximity to important points of sale.

Graphical Abstract
Development and Application of Smart Logistics Warehousing

Smart logistics
Warehouse location
Analytic Hierarchy Process


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APA Style
Wu, H., Ye, S., Zhao, R., & Zhu, G. (2024). Development and Application of Smart Logistics Warehousing. Transactions on Social Statistics and Computing, 1(2), 22–29. https://doi.org/10.62762/TSSC.2024.808276

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