Journal Information
Frontiers in Cyber-Physical Systems
Online ISSN: request pending
Print ISSN: request pending
Publishing model: Open Access
DOI Prefix: 10.62762/FCPS
Aims & Scope
Frontiers in Cyber-Physical Systems is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that serves as a leading forum for cutting-edge research and innovative applications in the interdisciplinary field of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). The journal aims to bridge the gap between the physical and digital worlds, fostering advancements in computation, control, and communication technologies that enable intelligent, networked, and autonomous systems.
The journal seeks to:
• Promote high-quality research that advances the theoretical foundations, engineering principles, and practical implementations of Cyber-Physical Systems.
• Encourage the exploration of cross-disciplinary approaches that integrate computation, physical processes, artificial intelligence, and data-driven insights.
• Highlight novel applications of CPS in critical domains such as transportation, healthcare, energy, manufacturing, and smart cities.
Frontiers in Cyber-Physical Systems welcomes contributions in, but not limited to, the following topics:
Foundations of CPS:
• System modeling, simulation, and design methodologies.
• Formal verification and validation of CPS.
• Real-time and embedded systems for CPS.
Advanced Technologies:
• Edge and cloud computing for CPS.
• Artificial Intelligence and machine learning in CPS decision-making.
• Internet of Things (IoT) and sensor networks for CPS.
Control and Optimization:
• Intelligent control algorithms for autonomous systems.
• Distributed and cooperative control in networked CPS.
• Optimization methods for resource-constrained CPS.
Communication and Networking:
• 5G/6G and beyond for CPS applications.
• Networked control systems and cyber-physical interaction.
• Security and privacy in CPS communication.
Applications and Case Studies:
• Smart transportation systems (e.g., autonomous vehicles, traffic management).
• Industry 4.0 and intelligent manufacturing.
• Renewable energy and smart grids.
• Medical CPS, including robotic surgery and telemedicine.
• Environmental monitoring and disaster response systems.
Emerging Topics:
• Digital twins and CPS integration.
• Ethical, social, and legal implications of CPS.
• Cyber-physical resilience and adaptive systems.
Publication Frequency

The journal is owned by Institute of Emerging and Computer Engineering.
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Ethics Statement
IECE is responsible for implementing rigorous peer review and strict ethical policies and standards to ensure that high quality scientific work is added to the field of scholarly publishing. IECE takes such publishing ethics issues very seriously, and our editors are trained to enforce COPE's Core Practices and Guidelines, with a zero-tolerance policy for plagiarism, data falsification, and other behaviours. To verify the originality of content submitted to our journals, we use iThenticate to check submissions against previous publications.