Journal Information
Journal of Computational Optimization and Reasoning
Online ISSN: request pending
Print ISSN: request pending
Publishing model: Open Access
DOI Prefix: 10.62762/JCOR
Aims & Scope
The Journal of Computational Optimization and Reasoning aims to provide a leading platform for researchers and practitioners engaged in the study of optimization techniques, computational methods, and their applications in various domains. The journal focuses on innovative contributions to the theory, algorithms, and applications of optimization and approximate reasoning, with an emphasis on their integration into real-world systems and problems.
The journal welcomes original research articles, review papers, short communications, and case studies in the following areas:
Computational Optimization:
• Classical and advanced optimization algorithms, including linear, nonlinear, integer, and combinatorial optimization.
• Metaheuristic and nature-inspired optimization techniques (e.g., genetic algorithms, particle swarm optimization, simulated annealing, ant colony optimization).
• Optimization in large-scale, high-dimensional, and complex systems.
• Multi-objective optimization and Pareto optimality.
• Stochastic and robust optimization in uncertain environments.
• Applications of optimization in engineering, finance, economics, logistics, and machine learning.
Approximate Reasoning:
• Fuzzy logic, fuzzy sets, and fuzzy systems for decision making and problem-solving.
• Approximate reasoning techniques for dealing with uncertainty and imprecision.
• Knowledge-based systems and expert systems incorporating approximate reasoning.
• Applications of reasoning methods in AI, robotics, control systems, and decision support systems.
• Soft computing approaches for decision making in uncertain and incomplete data environments.
• Cognitive modeling and reasoning in dynamic and complex systems.
Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems:
• Analysis and modeling of nonlinear dynamical systems.
• Chaos theory and applications in various scientific and engineering disciplines.
• Control theory for nonlinear systems.
• Stability, bifurcation, and synchronization in nonlinear dynamic systems.
• Applications of nonlinear dynamics in physics, biology, economics, and engineering.
Applications and Interdisciplinary Research:
• The intersection of computational optimization, approximate reasoning, and nonlinear dynamics in real-world applications.
• Case studies on the use of optimization and reasoning techniques in complex systems, such as renewable energy, transportation, supply chain management, and healthcare.
• Applications of machine learning and AI in optimization and reasoning processes.
The journal also encourages work that bridges these areas, providing a platform for interdisciplinary research that advances the development of computational techniques in optimization, reasoning, and dynamic systems. By fostering collaboration between academia and industry, the journal aims to stimulate the development of cutting-edge algorithms and methodologies that contribute to solving global challenges in technology, business, and science.
Publication Frequency

The journal is owned by Institute of Emerging and Computer Engineering.
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IECE is responsible for implementing rigorous peer review and strict ethical policies and standards to ensure that high quality scientific work is added to the field of scholarly publishing. IECE takes such publishing ethics issues very seriously, and our editors are trained to enforce COPE's Core Practices and Guidelines, with a zero-tolerance policy for plagiarism, data falsification, and other behaviours. To verify the originality of content submitted to our journals, we use iThenticate to check submissions against previous publications.