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IECE Transactions on Operations Research, 3 March 2025

IECE Transactions on Operations Research (TOR) welcomes its Founding Editor-in-Chief Prof. Dragan Pamucar

Announcement‌   Viewed: 58

‌‌‌‌It is with great pleasure that we announce Prof. Dragan Pamucar, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, as the Founding Editor-in-Chief for IECE Transactions on Operations Research (TOR). We believe Prof. Dragan Pamucar will lead TOR forward with inspiration and rigor in the community of operations. 


Prof. Dragan Pamucar is a Full Professor at the University of Belgrade, Department of Operational Research and Statistics, Serbia. Dr. Pamucar received a PhD in Applied Mathematics specializing in multi-criteria modeling and soft computing techniques from the University of Defence in Belgrade,  Serbia, in 2013 and an MSc degree from the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering in Belgrade  in 2009. His research interests include computational intelligence, multi-criteria decision-making problems, neuro-fuzzy systems, fuzzy, rough, intuitionistic fuzzy set theory, and neutrosophic theory. Application areas include various logistics, economics, and management problems. 
Dr. Pamucar has five books and over 400 research papers published in SCI indexed International Journals, including Experts Systems with Applications, Applied Soft Computing, Soft Computing, 
Journal of Cleaner Production, Computational intelligence, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, IEEE Internet of Things Land use policy, Environmental impact assessment review, and so on, and many more.  
Dr. Pamucar has served as Guest Editor in more than 60 SCIE-indexed journals Applied Soft Computing, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, etc.

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We firmly believe that under the scientific leadership of Prof. Dragan Pamucar, TOR will promote the rapid progress of operations research.