CrossMark is a multi-publisher initiative to provide a standard way for readers to locate the current version of a piece of content. By applying the CrossMark logo, IECE is committing to maintaining the content it publishes and to alerting readers to changes if and when they occur. Clicking on the CrossMark logo will tell you the current status of a document and may also give you additional publication record information about the document.
Retraction and correction policies
IECE is committed to ensuring high quality standards in all its publications. In case IECE is notified of mistakes in published works the following policy applies:
(1) If the mistake is minor, such as a typo, a missing affiliation, or a typesetting error in an equation that can be corrected by a skilled reader.
(2) If the mistake is more severe and in particular if it changes material results of a work, changes the equation numbering, changes the reference list, or any theorem, lemma, or similar, IECE will leave the published version as is, and place a note about the mistake and if available a link to an updated/corrected version of the work on that work’s page.