Received my Ph.D. degree in 2019, at the School of Computer Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China. I'm an associate professor in the Faculty of Computers and Information, Menoufia University, Egypt. I'm currently a senior researcher in the EIAS Data Science Lab, College of Computer and Information Sciences, Prince Sultan University. I'm an ACM Professional Member. My research interests include Biomedical Imaging, Bioinformatics, Cyber Security, IoT, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Pattern Recognition, and Biometrics. I have published more than 50 papers in international SCI-IF journals. Furthermore, I have served as an Editor Board member in BMC Bioinformatics journal, an Associate Editor in IJISP, a Topics Board editor in Forensic Sciences (MPDI) journal, a guest editor in many international journals such as IJDCF, an editorial board of World Journal of Methodology, Sensors (MDPI) and Information (MDPI). Reviewer of more than 500 papers for many prestigious journals and listed in the top 2% of scientists worldwide (According to the recently released list by Stanford University USA in 2022, 2023 and 2024).
We welcome you to the inaugural issue of the Journal of Computational Optimization and Reasoning. This journal has been established to serve as a leading platform for researchers, practitioners, and innovators dedicated to the study and advancement of computational optimization techniques, reasoning methodologies, and their transformative applications across diverse domains. More >
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