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Chinese Journal of Information Fusion, 5 June 2024

Recruiting Editorial Board Members for Chinese Journal of Information Fusion

Announcement‌   Viewed: 1155

‌Joining our Editorial Board provides a fantastic opportunity to expand your network, contribute to your community and gain editorial experience.

Chinese Journal of Information Fusion (CJIF) is a peer-reviewed international journal that reflects the cutting-edge research and application achievements of information fusion technology. It publishes academic papers in the field of information fusion. Our aim is to encourage scientists to publish their experimental and theoretical research in as much detail as possible. Full experimental and/or methodical details must be provided for research articles.

Joining CJIF as an Editorial Board Member means you will not only have an exciting opportunity to become part of a new and growing journal, but you will also play an active, critical and dynamic role in supporting your peers in your community.

Benefits include:

1) There is no publication fee for your article once it is accepted after peer-review;

2) Priority publication of your work and recommended articles in CJIF after peer review and acceptance;

3) Opportunities to participate in or host annual meetings or online seminars organized by the Editorial Office;

4) Opportunities to exchange ideas with internationally influential researchers in this field;

5) Publish two articles free after the journal indexed by SCI;

6) A certificate of appointment issued by the Editor-in-Chief.

Suitable candidates should:

1) have demonstrable expertise that fits within the scope and the need of the journal;

2) have a minimum of ten (10) research papers published in reputable, English language, peer-reviewed journals;

3) You should have experience on the review process of SCI journals;

4) You will have a passion for building world-class journals in the field of information fusion.


1) Your responsibilities will include, but are not limited to, the following: Contribute or invite a high-quality research article or a review article to the journal during the first year of tenure;

2) Participate in peer-review works of the journal and help control the publishing quality;

3) Publicize and promote the journal at academic conferences and among peers;

4) Being available to act as a reviewer on occasional manuscripts that require objective reports on quality;

5) Supporting authors and the journal by reinforcing an inclusive ethos: quality, integrity, relevance are essential for consideration -  novelty and impact are nice to have, but not required.

Term and Evaluation:

Two years and the outstanding person can be re-elected.


If you are interested in becoming an Editorial Board Member and you meet the criteria above, please send your academic resume to [email protected] with the subject of "Chinese Journal of Information Fusion + Name + Research Interest".

We look forward to hearing from you.

Last updated: 05 June 2024