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Volume 1, Issue 1, IECE Journal of Image Analysis and Processing
Volume 1, Issue 1, 2025
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Xue-Bo Jin
Xue-Bo Jin
Beijing Technology and Business University, China
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IECE Journal of Image Analysis and Processing, Volume 1, Issue 1, 2025: 17-26

Open Access | Research Article | 16 February 2025
Leveraging Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Advanced Malaria Detection Through Blood Cell Images
1 University of Swat, Swat 01923, Pakistan
2 University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05405, United States
* Corresponding Author: Ijaz Ul Haq, [email protected]
Received: 07 January 2025, Accepted: 11 February 2025, Published: 16 February 2025  
Malaria remains a significant global health challenge, causing hundreds of thousands of deaths annually, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions. This study proposes an advanced automated approach for malaria detection by classifying red blood cell images using machine learning and deep learning techniques. Three distinct models: Logistic Regression (LR), Support Vector Machine (SVM), and Inception-V3 were implemented and rigorously evaluated on a dataset comprising 27,558 cell images. The LR model achieved an accuracy of 65.38%, while SVM demonstrated improved classification performance with an accuracy of 84%. The deep learning-based Inception-V3 model outperformed both, achieving a classification accuracy of 94.52% after five training epochs, demonstrating its superior capability to extract intricate features from medical images. These results highlight the effectiveness of deep learning architectures in malaria diagnosis and pave the way for scalable, automated solutions, particularly in resource-limited settings.

Graphical Abstract
Leveraging Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Advanced Malaria Detection Through Blood Cell Images

logistic regression
support vector machine

Data Availability Statement
Data will be made available on request.

This work was supported without any funding.

Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest. 

Ethical Approval and Consent to Participate
Not applicable.

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APA Style
Hamza, M., Ali, I., Ali, S., Khan, W., Shah, S.M., & Haq, I.U. (2025). Leveraging Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Advanced Malaria Detection Through Blood Cell Images. IECE Journal of Image Analysis and Processing, 1(1), 17–26. https://doi.org/10.62762/JIAP.2025.514726

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